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Social Media, the Death of Friendship

Why do I find myself returning to social media so frequently? This is a question I ask myself almost daily. Spotify is connected to my Facebook account, that's one of my reasons. Sure I can probably connect it to my email address by now, but who wants to take that unnecessary and inconvenient step? No, the real reason is that I actually have an interest in what those I've called friends are doing. I have no real interest in showing off my own life, it's mostly mundane anyway. But I actually DO care how people that have influenced my life are doing!

Our world has become so busy and self consumed that people in my generation can't be bothered to pick up the phone to make a call or send a text for that matter. Why should they have to? All of the information that's needed can be found by easily opening up Facebook or Instagram. And what's shown on those apps, that's real life right?! And yes we can make the argument that this post is going to be posted to one of those apps but again that's the point. Nobody can be bothered to have a real conversation anymore so I, instead, must adapt to having the conversation for us in a blog format to which I will then shove in my "friends" faces in hopes that it will make them think. Why not just reach out to them by phone you ask? Well, if I had actually been successful in receiving a response, then this whole post would be rendered useless. No, I've tried. And this is where my efforts have landed me. It has just become either too inconvenient, life has become too busy, or there has simply just been a loss in interest. I have been guilty of the latter for sure, my interest has certainly waned but it has never been lost. Hence why I continue to return to said media platforms. Simply said, I want to know that you are doing well!

So what then is the answer to fixing the problem? If I knew, I wouldn't be writing this. I'm hopeful, as with all of my posts, that it will create some form of inspired thought process within someone to not only reach out to me but to also reach out to other friends who have slipped by the wayside. Because lord knows that our world is only drifting farther and farther apart, and deep down we as humans are not solitary creatures. It's certainly driven me crazy, the feeling of isolation that I've experienced over the past few years. So I can only imagine that others feel it too and social media hasn't played a positive part in that either!

If there's any message at all that needs to be taken away from this, I'd say reach out or respond to those messages that are sitting on your phone. Reconnect, check-in, rekindle, do whatever you need because I guarantee that anyone who reads this probably has at LEAST one person on their mind that they've been meaning to call but instead just checked their social feed. Liking a post is not the same thing! Remember how much better life was before we were tied to our phones constantly checking social feeds?! I know that I benefit from in person contact! Don't you think you would too?

As always.....

Takk for at du leste,



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